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We believe that many of our fellow believers are willing to get involved in the ministry of proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They also have had some supernatural encounters during their lifetimes. They just need an opportunity to share what God has done in their lives. James McDonald, the president and founder of Matthew Four Four and AmericaForAmericansUnited.org, was one of those children of God who was blessed to have had many supernatural experiences with our Creator. Afterwards, he was inspired enough to dedicate the time it took in order to write the book Quitting Time. After writing his first book and witnessing the effect it has had on believers and unbelievers alike, James was once again inspired to share God’s goodness by writing a second book. Therefore, he started to write “Chronicles of A ‘Real’ Believer.” In this book James was attempting to show people how God manifests Himself in the everyday life of the children of His who are ‘real’ with Him. He also wanted to encourage the children of God to get involved in whatever capacity they could. You see, God is not pleased with those who are just Sunday pew warmers. So, in an effort to spur those fellow believers into seeking God with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength, James began his second book. However, before he got very far in this attempt, the Lord spoke to his heart and encouraged him to include the testimony of other ‘real’ believers in the second book. After all, we are one body in Christ and we should all be working together in unison to enhance our Lord’s kingdom here on earth. In fact, we should all be searching for opportunities to include the other members in a team effort to reveal the truth we have discovered to one another and to those who are lost. Once this became clear to James, he prayed and asked God how he could be used in this area. He was then instructed to assist those who would take the initiative, once they have been given the opportunity to promote the Gospel. These are the believers who God will use to give their witness and input into this current project, "Chronicles of Some ‘Real’ Believers".
Our God is very gracious and He understands how the business of day to day living in our society prevents the average follower of Jesus from taking the time out and committing themselves to writing their own book. So, He has honored us at AFAU by using us to open the door for those whom He sends to us to become involved in His ministry through this second book which has now been entitled: "Chronicles of Some ‘Real’ Believers." In this book, we are endeavoring to enable our fellow believers to share whatever outstanding move of God they have experienced in their lives in the past- or perhaps just recently.
We all have a testimony and the Bible says: “we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word or our testimony.” Therefore, we believe our gracious Father will use this aspect of our ministry to open the door for our brethren to put into print some of the supernatural experiences He has given them. These events may have taken place before they were believers, while they were being converted, or perhaps after they became a faithful follower of our Savior. In any case, with their permission, these testimonies can be used to glorify the God we serve and bring into focus the reality of His incredible Presence in our world today. By His grace, we can help the lost and the saved alike.
If you personally have something you would like to share and are willing to take the time to write about it, please feel free to contact us at: americaforamericansunited.org or just click on the link Testimonies