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About Us:

We at AFAU are well aware that what we propose to do is no small task. So, we are totally dependent on the God who has promised that He "shall supply all of our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus." We are working in conjunction with His Holy Spirit to quell the storm of hatred and violence in America. Our purpose is to reveal to the world around us we serve a big God and He is LOVE. Nothing is too difficult for Him and absolutely nothing is impossible when He is on your side. We at AFAU are committed to encouraging our fellow believers to love their enemies.

‘Make America Great Again’ was a great campaign idea President Reagan used to inspire America and President Trump later used as the slogan that helped get him elected. However, we are committed to showing America and the world that God has an even better idea: “Make America LOVE again!” This will make us great again! We are joyfully working towards our goal in order to help our fellow believers to: “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” We see the current attack on our sovereignty as a nation as opportunity. We firmly believe that what the devil meant for evil God is going to use for good. We also believe that our omniscient Father has not been caught off guard by the current events. He has allowed all this confusion to open the doors for His ‘real’ children to get up and do what we have been called to do. It’s time to live out what we believe and allow Jesus to love America through us.

We are tirelessly working to encourage all Christians to show the world around us the love of Jesus and thereby take advantage of the opportunity we now have to shine even brighter in all this darkness. We, as believers, are putting this love into action by attempting to fulfill Jesus’ mandate to: “go into all the world and make disciples.” Since this is going to take the whole body of Christ working together in unity, we are attempting to help our fellow believers begin this process by showing solidarity. We at AFAU believe we can all play a part in this much- needed revival in America by simply wearing the t-shirts that were prayerfully designed by us. These t-shirts are just another tool God has given us to use in order to express our message of love and hope to our fellow countrymen and all others who wish to become a part of the American dream. We firmly believe that as we display our love for Jesus and stand united with fellow believers, we can manifest God’s love within our midst. Then, the Holy Spirit will be poured out on America and God will heal this broken nation. Afterwards, America can reach out to the rest of our world and promote global peace.    

We believe the Bible-in its entirety. It is the most scrutinized and proven of all the words that were ever penned. Yet, it has an unblemished track record for those who have learned to take God at His word and trust in His desire to bring peace and love to this war torn planet. We believe God is love. We also believe love never fails. As God’s children, we are acting in faith as we love our enemies. We must then trust Him to do the rest. In order to help the rest of America see the love of God in action, we at AFAU will prayerfully ask the Lord to help us schedule rallies, conventions, seminars and marches all throughout our country. This is one way we Christians can display what ‘real’ Christianity is supposed to be like. We believe, when the gainsayers see the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in action, the Holy Spirit will be able to bring many lost sheep into our Master’s fold. We believe that it doesn’t matter how far you are in your walk with Jesus you can still be a big help to our Savior. One way we can do this is by taking advantage of every opportunity we have to witness the true Gospel. This will best be accomplished by using the tools He has given us in order to help us to do so. We believers must take action! Once we start acting in faith, God will honor our faith by showing Himself strong on our behalf. On the other hand, God tells us in His very own word that “without faith we cannot please Him, for they that come unto God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

We believe that no matter how busy you are, no matter how inadequate you may feel, and or what your financial limitations may be, you can still do your part in promoting the true Gospel by simply purchasing one of our t-shirts and joining us by wearing it while participating in one of our rallies. If you aren’t available to join God’s army and march with us, you can still buy a t-shirt and wear it as you go to the grocery store, school, the gym, or wherever else God places you on any given day. Perhaps you can participate in one of our seminars or conventions in order to be encouraged in your faith and be enlightened as to what opportunities are available to you through our ministry.

Should you purchase one of our t-shirts, we believe that as you wear it in public many people will respond to the message you are displaying on the front and back of it. Some will agree with our beliefs and undoubtedly there will be those who will oppose them. That’s great. Either way, the door will be open and you can share whatever God puts on your heart. However, be careful to do so only in love. We believe you should pray before you put on your t-shirt and ask God to use you and give you the right words to share with those He brings you into contact with each day. If you are a faithful child of God, He will bless you as He uses you wherever He happens to place you on any given day. The question is, are you willing to make an effort to give your time and energy for Him in any way He asks you to do so?

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AmericaForAmericansUnited is a subsidiary of Matthew Four Four

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